Death, Doom and Destruction
An ancient American band that has only recently been resurrected from obscurity and re-pressed on vinyl by the irrepressible Volker of Merciless Records, Cianide are one of those bands scorned by the fools in perpetual search of progression and embraced only by the strictest of traditionalists and underground mavens. Take a look at the picture in the inside sleeve, a bunch of decrepit, long-haired American maniacs decked out in denim jackets adorned with Celtic Frost, Obscurity and Sodom insignia. They’ve even gone so far as to provide us with a list of their influences, which range from the absolutely godly Slaughter(Can), to “Twisted ‘fuckin’ Sister”. Such unashamed metal ethic can only be praised.
Predictably, the music treads an equally traditional path, though one that deviates far from Mike Perun and troupe’s usual sonic direction. Chock-full of references and reverences to earlier Sodom, Celtic Frost and earlier American luminaries like Massacre, Master, second record Possessed and the earliest Death, this is lightyears away from the Hellhammer styled doom/death drudgery of Cianide’s prior Grindcore Records material. Instead, what we have in its place is a more straightforward brand of primitive death/thrash that can only induce lengthy fits of righteous headbanging. Unashamedly regressive, we are presented with Cianide’s patented brand of sonic terrorism, consisting of Mike Perun’s proto-death growls, haphazard skin-bashing, an incessant armoury of Razor-esque rifferama and devastating Frost-ridden breakdowns. Sweet Lucifer, what a blissful album!
As is the case with most Merciless material, this is an inspired, orgasmic headbanging frenzy of unabashed old-school pride, and should appeal to the traditionalists and depraved aficionados of ancient metal. Mind you, this hyperactive slab of hellish fury will reduce any unworthy souls to the dastardly rodents that they are. One can only wonder what Cianide are presently up to, though they have a reissue of their demo material pending on Cryonics Records. Filthy, maniacal noise in the name of sweet Beelzebub, and a vinyl treasure to be coveted by any thrashing loon. \,,/!
[ a fucking 10!]
© 2000 equimanthorn