Shub Niggurath
The Kinglike Celebration
Mexico’s overlords of uncompromising death/thrash have returned to unleash another repugnant abomination of ancient fury, and it seems as though Mexico’s most prolific underground institution, Oz Records have yet again released a winner. I can openly admit that I was among the ignorant mass that had not picked up on this truly inspirational death/thrash outfit. Ultimately, this ignorance made way for a profound new passion for this sublime death/thrash barnshaker.
Ridiculously blasphemous, formidably underground cover art adorns this release, and coupled with some apocalyptic lyrical imagery and a picture of the band decked out in Hellhammer, Obscurity and Evoken muscle tees, this is an insanely genuine release if appearances alone are anything to go by. Musically what we have is a great cross-synthesis of Possessed, early Morbid Angel, Sadistic Intent and especially earlier Acheron. The early Acheron comparison surfaces from the band’s coupling of primitive death/thrash with grandiose synth work and thus generating a most delightful, unparalleled Satanic majesty.
Everything is kept strictly old-school, from the frenetic, dandruff-loosening riffage to the primitive skin-bashing and the proto-death growls of one deranged Arturo Alvarez, who comes off sounding very much like Jeff Beccerra and Blackwulf of Dekapitator. The sheer ingenue, honesty and force of this album is enough to liquidate the spleen of a National Socialist heathen pride clown upon first listen, and will provide hours on end of abrasive, orgasmic death metal for the most discerning connoisseurs of filthy noise.
You’re either a Wotan-worshipping epic metal goof or a blatant anencephalic armadillo if you don’t pick this up. Shub Niggurath have officially inducted themselves in the hallow ranks of Cenotaph and the Chasm, and hopefully those who share my previous ignorance will give this a try.
[ a fucking 10! ]
© 2000 equimanthorn