Rain Fell Within
[Dark Symphonies]
Unlike a healthy percentage of female fronted metal bands that want to sound like 3rd and the Mortal or Theatre of Tragedy, it seems as if Rain Fell Within is more influenced by modern black metal. I'm quite certain if a generic black metal vocalist was thrown in front of this band they would be tossed aside (or thrown into the limelight) as 'another Dimmu Borgir style band'. Although the riffing brings to mind numerous No Fashion bands...
Instead Rain Fell Within is fronted by an over the top female vocalist. Her voice justifies spousal abuse in my mind. I've never been so fucking turned off by a woman's voice in my entire life. I also can't understand why her voice is being praised left and right in reviews! High pitched operatic wails that bring to mind Celine Dion instead of 'angelic beauty' or 'pure depression'. 'The fat lady has sung' - as I throw this CD out the window! Awful!
Annoying, distracting music nicely summarizes Rain Fell Within.
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