...In the Flames of Black Art

The opening track to this disc got me going in the same way some of the better moments on Summoning's "Minas Morgul" have in the past - same sort of atmosphere at least. The rest of the album is not unlike a more developed Summoning too: some really fantastic, epic bits that make your ears perk up every few seconds, but some lame stuff too.

The laid back ambient breaks in between the harsher black metal assaults are truly inspiring though. Imagine the best of Necromantia's ritualistic moments, but with a greater emphasis on the keyboards, and with some female vocals (that range from 'ok' to 'REALLY ANNOYING).

The lengthy songs leave almost no room for the nastier vocals and blasting drums, and as such, female vocals and huge spans where the keyboards are up front end up dominating. It all works perfectly though, and fits in somewhere between relaxing and seriously depressing. It does need some polishing, especially with the female vocals that sound like a mockery of Barbara Streisand at times.

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