V Gimnakh I Proklyatiyakh
What would you say about a Scandinavian band singing in, say, Norwegian about
Northern mythology? Sounds fairly credible, right? Now, how about a Swedish
band singing in English about Valhalla (hint-hint)? I know, you don't get
more credible than that. And now, how about a Ukrainian band singing in
Russian about Vikings? Here, I am sure, is where opinions will diverge.
Well, here comes mine.
I guess I started beating the drums and ringing the bells too early for this
band. I liked the "Loss Of Benediction" demo (one song from which is
included here as a bonus track). It was a good debut - a successful
combination of black metal fury and Viking sensibility, so I was nurturing
high hopes for this full-length. Although the band progressed with this
album, I didn't find myself to be enthralled by it.
They tried to move even closer to the Valhalla that Viking-period Bathory
were able to create. To do that, they dropped a significant portion of their
black metal influence, bringing in an epic approach instead, with very long
songs, pompous posture and even more emphasis on keyboards. The problem is
that their overall style, including their simplistic song writing, remained
the same. It worked quite well when the band were writing more concise
songs, but when they stretched it to the epic proportions, they ended up with
a bigger load than they could carry, and boredom inexorably started creeping
in. The band still possesses enough talent to create some worth while
moments on the first half of the album, but then they just lose it. The
songs become dull, begin to drag, and instead of creating triumphant,
war-like atmosphere, they start putting you to sleep. To top it off, the
band's shameless, seemingly very serious yet pretty much superficial, Viking
obsession brought in a "cheesiness" factor, which makes them an easy target
for all sorts of sarcastic remarks. They actually sing "la-lala-lalalalala"
at the end of the album's opening track.
Final resolution: A Viking fetishist should check it out, but I wouldn't
recommend it to the general mass of black metal fans.
© 2000 boris