0:12 Revolution In Just Listening
Talk about going out with a bang! Coalesce continued in the tradition of
bands who disband after releasing their strongest works by announcing their
impending break-up even before this album was out. In their six year
existence they left behind a couple of albums and EP's and this final
testament, or a swan song, or whatever you want to call it.
There isn't much length-wise. Twenty three minutes of music are divided into
eight songs and one electronic segue, but what a glorious twenty three
minutes this is! Coalesce's chaotic tactics finally acquired firm cohesion,
precise execution and underlying sense of purpose. Already on the first
track, you witness a charging confluence of the band's dizzying, geometric
approach with a huge Sabbath-esque riff. And from here on, it only gets
better. Vocals roar oppressively, ferocious and chaotic but at the same time
intelligently crafted and cathartic riffs spring up unexpectedly to give way
to spasmodic guitar screeches with weird textures, while the drums ramble
around in zigzag trajectories while still pounding you down. And it goes on.
And it's so perfect. And you are in this hardcore-metal nirvana. And then
it ends.
You know what they say about having too much of a good thing, whatever that
good thing may be. Well here, twenty minutes is just right. There is no
need for more. Twenty minutes is all it takes. Coalesce knew it and threw
this astonishing onslaught in our faces, and then took a permanent leave of
absence knowing that their legacy is well secured. R.I.P.
© 2000 boris