The First Possession
Most who know me know I prefer black metal to sound
raw and ugly with primitive/non-technical styled riffs
(VON, the Black Legions, early BEHERIT, etc...).
However, I don't think ALL raw black metal is good,
and WARLOGHE are a band that fall in this category.
The production isn't as raw as say MUTIILATION, but
more clear than the average raw black metal. The
drums irritate the fuck out of me (imagine someone
beating on trash cans with a baseball bat). Most of
the riffs are "Nordic" sounding, drawing BURZUM and
GORGOROTH comparisons, getting very boring before
long. The screams aren't bad but not great either
(probably the best thing about this CD). To sum it
up, the only time I'll probably ever listen to this is
if a trader asks for it, and even then I'll probably
turn down the volume and listen to something on my
other stereo...
© 2000 bathym