Panzer Division Marduk

Marduk - Black Metal War Machine. It cannot be said better. After I listened this I felt like I would have been ran over by a tank, a big tank. From the minute they start the violent warblackmetal blasting till the end, they give absolutely no mercy. Guitars are even more simple than on previous Marduk albums, which fit this kind of music perfectly, they sound fucking VIOLENT! Drums are of same speed as on previous album, so nothing incredible fast but just fast enough. What's really amazing in Andersson's drumming is how long he keeps the blasting going on without slowing down or making mistakes, perfect blasting. Legion's rasp being same violent sounding, I bet this wouldn't be even close as good if there would be another vocalist. B. War once again showing his talent, and as this has a massive production, the bass does sound from beneath at times. There's also lots of war sounds in songs, creates a damn good battle atmosphere. Production is more massive than on previous albums, but with same style, sharp and clear.

Christraping violent warblackmetal, without absolutely NO FUCKING MERCY!!! Just my type of music, this definitely left me speechless. And a bit deaf.. Also one thing to praise is the digipack (with the heavy metallic Marduk shield) and the leaflet in it, very fucking cool. I just hoped that there would have been lyrics.. damn.

The best Marduk album (IMO), full 10 out of 10.

"All I want, all I need, is to kill everyone I see!"

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