Impaled Nazarene

Straightforward mid-paced black metal with hardcore punk influences. Very simple guitars fitting this style perfectly, only few riffs in song and lots of repeating. Kinda sick and very Satanic lyrics, song names like "6th Degree Mindfuck", "Angel Rectums Do Bleed", "We Are Satan's Generation" and "Goatvomit and Gasmasks", sung with violent sounding screamy black metal rasp. Drums are mostly mid-paced, almost all the time with same tempo and same comps. There's a strong "FUCK YOU ALL" feeling in this, in music and in lyrics. Generally this isn't boring at all, but few songs are too repetitive and I usually skip them.. Production is great, clean, clear and strong.

This should be played with very fucking loud volumes, get very very drunk and just start freaking out, this is fucking incredible! Two standout tracks are "Angel Rectums Do Bleed" and "We Are Satan's Generation". One of the best IN albums.

"..fucking with your body, fucking with your mind, total devastation, time to fuck off and die!"

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