Joined In Darkness
[Baphomet/Red Stream]
This is a sinister dark and insane type of twisted sick black metal, if your mind hasn't got mental blocks for such darkness try and imagine Incantation doing black metal. This could surely be the sound in many a killers mind, as the blade cuts through the tender flesh, the blood squirts and you can see the life slowly leaving the victim's soon to be rotting corpse. This brilliant exercise into the inner darkness of the deranged, has one shortcoming but alas a rather essential one, the vocal work. They go for the necro approach but they just don't function, they communicate no feeling, there is no anger or hate, nothing at all like what the music is expressing, a meaningless little still spot in the middle of a raging ocean of anger and darkness, had the vocals been up to it I would have said this would be one of the best examples of sick and twisted black metal in later years.
© 2000 sharund