Total Death

As much as this CD deserves it, I just cannot insult or make fun of Dark Throne, whatever the circumstances… and this CD really asks for it. What the hell happened to Darkthrone? All their previous CDs (except Soulside Journey, which is a Death Metal CD) were grim, evil, and vile, this one is lacking all of that. It is also lacking that ‘special something’ that made Darkthrone what it is. The guitars play a lot of very happy riffs, and the drums aren’t interesting at all. At least the (good) singing is reminiscent of the older Darkthrone stuff. The production is nothing special at all, and actually pretty standard, not their typical type of grim vileness. The lyrics are very extremely funny, and also extremely stupid at almost all times.

Of course the biggest disappointment is the loss of that ‘special something’ that makes Darkthrone what they are, now everything is pretty generic… The music on this CD is not that bad, well maybe it is compared to the older Darkthrone discs, but compared to all the crap ‘Black Metal’ bands on the scene today it actually seems pretty good. They could have done MUCH better, though, and I am very disappointed that they didn’t. Try to avoid this CD, even some of the biggest Darkthrone fans will be very disappointed (and disillusioned) by this lackluster offering.

Pros – Great singing, funny lyrics (though I don’t think that they were intended to be comedy), cool cover art
Cons – It’s missing that ‘special something’, uninteresting drumming, happy riffs (once in a while)
Style of Music – Darkthrone, minus that essential ingredient that made them unique and made them stand out in the first place…
Will likely appeal to – Only the most hardcore Darkthrone fans

Overall –… Sub-Par – 5/10

© 2000 sauron anarazel