Acid Bath
Paegan Terrorism Tactics
Awesome stuff. Acid Bath really matured with their sophomore album. The
songs are still brimming with massive Southern grooves, but they became more
phlegmatic and controlled, opting for dark introspection instead of
uncontrollable rage which prevailed on "When The Kite String Pops." The
majority of Dax's vocals are clean, but the song writing is better than ever.
"Pagan Love Song," "Bleed Me An Ocean," "Graveflower," "Diab Soule" are
nothing short of excellent. The band still threw in a couple of driving,
bulldozer-heavy, bile-dripping stompers like "Locust Spawning" and "13
Fingers" or a vicious death/hardcore blender "New Corpse." But right next to
these furious nuggets we discover a melancholic "New Death Sensation," very
emotional "Venus Blue" and probably the real corker of the album, a seven
minute long bluesy acoustic ballad "Dead Girl."
To make a long story short, I'll just say that this is an amazing piece of
music. There are absolutely no fillers. Every song is outstanding and
deserves your undivided attention. Last but not least, the cover artwork
this time is by the notorious euthanasia practitioner Jack "Dr. Death"
Kevorkian. I am not kidding people, put this album on the top of your
shopping list. If you don't dig this, your mama must have dropped you on a
floor a few too many times during your not-so-happy childhood.
© 2000 boris