Nightshade Forests
This 30-minute mCD with four leftover tracks from ”Dol Guldur” album was much
more successful than the actual full-length, as far as this reviewer sees it.
Dreamy qualities of ”Dol Guldur” are here but now SUMMONING creates a new kind
of mood out of it, one of wanderings in snow-clad forests under the stars, more
energy and movement, more like their masterpiece ”Minas Morgul” had it. This has
less depression and more warfare, in comparison to ”Dol Guldur”.
Technically the material is not far removed from the full-length’s epic Tolkien
ambience gothic melancholic black metal, except for the production that is more
hazy than ever, recorded in some studio in Luxembourg. The sound is quite
terrible, yes, the bass is unhearable and the guitar is left to be an unmoving
distorted buzz behind the synths, but it does not destroy this mCD, it might
even be one of the things that spiced it up from the bland separation of ”Dol
Guldur”’s sound elements.
© 2000 black hate