Feeding On Angels
[Century Media]
Somehow Asphyx mutated into Soulburn, and presents us all with a good doze of Celtic Frost worship. For the most part I am not to interested in such bands that merely try to do what another band already did, but there are some exceptions, Soulburn being one, as they do actually present us with a quite fresh pack of material, that just carries the feel of the earlier Celtic Frost, where it is mostly the other way around, bands have little new things in their goodie bag, and do not really carry the feel of it... Soulburn is pretty much a more modern sounding version of Celtic Frost, the vocals are rawer, the drumming a bit more varied and so on, if it was a computer program one could say that Soulburn was the updated version of Celtic Frost. And it just plain shreds, I guess Soulburn will be feeding on angels, inside the circle of tyrants, because they are truly morbid...
© 2000 sharund