Apocalyptic Raids

Vile, repugnant, filthy, black metal, hell fucking yeah! Black metal in it's very essence, and screw all ye norsecore worshippers, this is far more black metal then the majority of what has come out of Norway. While Venom was almost the epitome of disgusting satanic filth in their day, Hellhammer went beyond what Venom was, quite far beyond. "Apocalyptic Raids" stands almost uncontested as a genuine black metal masterpiece, this is sheer sonic destruction, insanity, violence and devil worship, this is what black metal was meant to be, defiant of all forms listening pleasure, complete disregard towards technical ability and composition style. In other words as basic, raw, primitive, and rotten to the core as very little else has ever come close to, or even tried to. This is black metal.

© 2000 sharund