Pure Holocaust
This is in my opinion Immortal's best work (and with
the new direction they are going, will probably remain
that way), as well one of the best black metal discs
of all time.. This cd lives up to his name
COMPLETELY.. this is a non-stop assault of speed and
pure fucking HOLOCAUST METAL!!! But not in the Swedish
style, this is actually very interesting/evil
sounding.. As said, for the most part, you are treated
to a barrage of blazing riffs, unbelievably fast blast
beats, and just fast as all hell black metal.. but
occasionally they'll slow it down to mid-paced
madness, when they do this, it is INCREDIBLY necro
sounding, and very well done.. The guitars are played
very well.. going from a heavy, crushing madness, to a
trebly, razor sharp sound.. bass is played
exceptionally well (although hid in the
background...).. drumming is UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!
Some of the best drumming ever.. insanely fast, always
kept on time, and always completely interesting.. I
could listen to this disc if it was just drums...
Vocals are slightly more pushed than on later Immortal
discs, but still have the monotonous to them
(something I never really did like about Immortal),
but doesn't hurt the disc at all... So, overall what
you have here is an amazing, all out speed assault,
sounding extremely necro and evil, and pretty much, a
perfect fucking disc.. if you don't have this already
you are seriously deprived...
Appeal: Fans of fast black metal
© 2001 niosrever