A Cave Full Of Bats
Supposedly the head honcho of Drakkar is either one of the two members of this
French troupe, and after thoroughly enjoying the work of Avantgarde’s boss
with MonumentuM and being quite the Drakkar groupie, I was incredibly
anxious about picking this album up.
The keyword here is melodic. Celestia is perhaps the most melodic band in the
French underground, and I don’t mean melodic in a Temple of Baal, Count
Nosferatu or even Kristallnacht manner, Celestia’s sense of melody is closer to
Seth, if we were to compare them to a French band. The guitars are tuned to a
quasi-Swedish tone (very high indeed) and craft some very riff-oriented tracks,
of which depressive, repetitive melodies form a large proportion. The bass also
seems to be tuned to an inhumanly high sound, amplified in a very clean manner
and played almost as a second guitar, harmonizing with the lead melodies. In
many respects Celestia can be compared with Algaion (General Enmity) , in that
the guitar department consists entirely of sparkling clean quick-pick melodies
and guitar-bass counterpoint harmonizing. Very little distortion is used, and it
sounds as though its often the built-in amp distortion that is creeping out of your
Like Algaion’s General Enmity, there are slightly fuzzy thrash sections here and
there, and keyboards, although listed within the sleeve as being one of the
instruments employed in the album, is virtually non-existent and used only in an
extremely sparse manner. Rhythms are most often brooding and slow to more
mid-paced sections, complementing the general melancholic nature of the riffage
on show. Ultimately though, the production here is a little more primitive than
Algaion, and this helps Celestia retain its cult underground identity and thus
prove to be a plus point for the world’s most vocal BLACK metal community.
I think the best material from each of Celestia’s demos have been collected here
(4 tracks in all) so a further purchase of the demos isn’t necessary if I’m not
wrong. Quality stuff indeed, and a safe buy for people who can appreciate some
melody in their black metal stew.
© 2000 equimanthorn