Descent into Hell
[Red Light]

While their style might not have changed dramatically from 'The Dying Truth', this album's definitely an improvement. More down-tuned nightmares, more balance of dirge riffs with blast beats, but with this release Cianide managed to implant more memorable, mid-paced death metal riffs to bridge the two extremes. This mix is what makes tracks like "Eulogy" tolerable and even a tad catchy. Mike Perun even tosses some minor distortion effects on his vocals from time to time here, which accent the utter doom of the mix. A few songs I didn't mind were "The Luciferian Twilight" and "Mountains in Thunder". Again, this is probably something to pass on unless you are a fan of dirge-like depressing metal that plods along with prehistoric grace and makes no progression whatsoever from its own bleak resting place.

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