Black Vanity
[Black Mark]
This continues in the doom rock vein Cemetary wandered off to on their last
album 'Godless Beauty', but it's much more refined. This is also where the
Paradise Lost comparisons this band has always garnered really bear fruit.
Although it is not so bold as to directly inherit any riffs, there is a
similarity here to albums like 'Shades of God' and 'Icon'. Nevertheless, this
is some of Cemetary's finest work. Songs like "Bitter Seed", "Ebony Rain",
and "Sweet Tragedy" are among the best I've ever heard from the band, they
possessed a certain resonance and tonal quality which sets this album apart
from others by the band. Some tracks like "Hunger of the Innocent" and "Last
Departure/Sperentine Parade" possess a more inherent blues rock quality.
"Scarecrow" is possibly the album's crowning moment, a solid momentum builds
up in the verse sections, accompanied by a soft acoustic passage, then for
the chorus the album breaks into a kick ass slow metal riff with a simple yet
undeniable melody. If you're looking for an entry point into this band's
music, I'd highly suggest this one. It's Matthias Lodmalm in his finest
song writing form, and also the first appearance of Anders Iwers (Ceremonial
Oath, later in Tiamat) and Markus Nordberg (Ceremonial Oath) into the band's
© 2000 pizarro