Interstellar Experience
This is one of those many Teutonic thrash bands from the 80s that were
overlooked where they stood behind the terrific trio of Kreator, Sodom, and
Destruction. Alongside Tankard, Vendetta, Iron Angel, and a host of others,
Assassin specialized in a brand of raucous speed/thrash metal that was
somewhat technically proficient. A lot more coherent than "The Upcoming
Terror", this album actually bears a strong resemblance to some of Tankard's
work, with the thick guttural accent on the vocals (Robert Gonella, as heard
here, could practically switch off with Gerre of Tankard fame and I doubt
anyone would notice the difference) and the flurry of happy-go-lucky, vicious
thrash riffs. They also shared a passion for including goofy elements on
their records, such as the cover of the surf classic "Pipeline" or the
frantically idiot "Junk Food" (it would seem Assassin paralleled Tankard's
love of alcohol to some extent with their own love of…snacks?!?) Musically
speaking, this album isn't entirely devoid of worth. "Resolution 588", "Baka"
and the title track are pure excursions into the greatness that was inherent
in most early German thrash. This and the previous album have been re-issued
on CD by Axe Killer records in France, so collectors might want to assimilate
them while they have the chance. If you're new and trying to get a vision of
the past of the Teutonic speed/thrash metal scene, I'd rather recommend some
of the earlier selections from Tankard (i.e. "Chemical Invasion", "Zombie
Attack", or "The Morning After".) Of course, Tankard never had a guitarist
named Dinko, but what's in a name?
© 2000 pizarro