King Diamond
What can one say about King Diamond that hasn't been said before. The guy
and his style are like universally known ( just in case though : dramatic
vocals alternating between fucking high and regular amongst technical
traditional heavy metal... the man's trademark). Plain and simple, this is
great metal but you gotta be able to stand the King's vocals. The deciding
factor I guess and I can't blame those who are turned off cause sometimes
his high pitched AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHS make me chuckle but it's all good ghost
story telling to metal. Don't get me wrong though, sometimes he totally
hits the mark. A gruesome storyline to this concept album performed with
top flight musicianship. Best song in my opinion is : 'A Mansion In The
Dark'. Four bonus tracks also appear on this disc ('Shrine' plus three
rough mixes). Cover art rules by the way!!! One last thing, I fucking hate
that eye patch worn by Timi Hansen.
© 2000 malphas