In The Shadow Of Your Black Wings
[Season of Mist]
Many people have disregarded this CD due to the synths
and female vocals.. that seriously sucks for them
because this is a truely great disc!! Although it has
no raw qualities, and does not rely on hate and anger
and all that for atmosphere.. they do a WHOLE lot of
interesting, new things to black metal... As if it
isn't obvious, mid-paced black metal is my favorite
style of music (Lux Occulta, Burzum, Arckanum, Judas
Iscariot, etc.), and these guys for pretty much 90% of
the disc keep it mid-paced (the other 10 is SLOW
paced, which also works!), and it works incredibly
well!!! They pull it off like no other (although some
do it better, these guys do it DIFFERENTLY)... This
album has a wide, wide range of atmospheres (as does
all mid paced black metal), but for the most part, the
feeling I get from a lot of the songs is that you are
part of a large army, marching, getting ready for a
huge battle knowing you are going to die, but still
yet you go amazing effect.. and for when that
isn't going on they mix it up with feelings of
triumph, gloom, depression, death, war and things of
that sort... Guitars are actually drop tuned, which
prevides an interesting effect, they for the most part
play slow to mid paced riffs, nothing complicated,
just a straightforward marching rhythms.. works with
the atmosphere extremely well, bass is played well,
although it does little besides follow the guitars,
but this also ends up working for the atmosphere as it
gives the guitars a bassier tone, making it feel more
murky, gloomy, and what not... drums are performed
extremely well! No blast beats, but lots of great
mid-slow paced sections, and lots of double bass kicks
that somehow work with the speed of the music.. as
said before, there are synths, but these synths are
used a lot better than a lot of bands out there, I'm
not saying he is more "technical" or what not, but he
knows how to make the synths work into the music to
create atmosphere rather than destroy it... female
vocals on this disc are very high pitched, mournful,
and strange.. and performed well... there is only like
3 cds I've ever heard that I appreciate female vocals
on, and this is one of them.. male vocals are in the
black rasp style, but they are performed somewhat
differently.. their sound emulates what I was talking
before about the atmosphere.. you can tell this guy
really means what hes saying..... So pretty much what
you've got here is mid-paced, atmospheric black metal
done just as good as any other out there (well.. not
really.. but close enough).. so by all means pick this
one up
Appeal: Fans of mid-paced BM and/or atmospheric (but
not "epic") BM
© 2001 niosrever