Desperate Measures
This is this New York band's second CD, released in 1991, and their
last as far as I know. This sounds a bit more polished than their
debut, from what I can recall of it, (not ever seeing a copy, except
for a few friends who got it from the States). The running joke at the
time was this was the new Ozzy album, as Eddie Sutton's vocals are clean
and nasally. Well, imagine Ozzy crossed with some cool Bay Area type-
riffing and solos, sort of like Metallica 'Master of Puppets' era, and
with a hint of NYHC. Kind of neat to listen to these days, but by no
means is it worth searching for. A solid album, and belongs in the
library along other crossover records like Anthrax's 'Among The Living'.
The tracks are:
Make Me an Offer/ All About Dope/ Soft Way Out/ Stand For/ No Heroes/
Kingpin/ Who's to Blame/ Ball Hugger/ 2-Minute Warning/ The Future
(Ain't What It Used To Be).
© 1999 mlotek