Ghalasy Minulaga

This is a pagan, folk-ambient group from Belarus. The song writing approach is very simplistic and somewhat repetitious. Pundits may even brand it amateurish, but I enjoyed it anyway. Slowly advancing, mostly homophonically textured, synth lines with very simple melodic progressions, accompanied by the sounds of nature, violin, acoustic guitar, zhaleika (Russian/Belarusian shepherd's horn), flute and some vocals. There is one straight folk song thrown in as well. The songs attempt to invoke the feelings of sadness and melancholy, as well as the images of nature, which they do, although, once again, it's all done in a primitive fashion.

Needless to say, if you can't stand folk or ambient, you should keep away from this, but if you enjoy, for instance, Burzum's ambient works or any similar stuff, you might want to give this one a chance.

Shadow Productions: valkalac@mailexcite.com
Sombre Productions: sombreproductions@hotmail.com

© 1999 boris