Easy Listening For Iron Youth:
The Best Of NON
In case you don't know, the man behind NON is none other than Boyd Rice -
writer, actor, photographer, musician, underground culture aficionado, priest
in the Church of Satan, you name it. NON is Mr. Rice's vehicle in the realm
of music since 1980. Well, music is probably a relative term here since the
majority of people wouldn't consider this to be music. For fans of
experimental noise however, NON's sound constructions are truly an audio
ambrosia. "Easy Listening..." consists of pieces created by Rice during the
1980's, but they sound just as fresh and radical today. The compositions are
very diverse too. From harsh noise attacks to creepy sound and sample
collages to the Easy Listening-type tunes filtered through the barrage of
distortion, each track on the album has its own distinct voice. Awesome
stuff if you can get into it.
If you want to get yourself acquainted with Rice's work, this collection is
a great place to start.
© 1999 boris