Tuatha na Gael
[Nazgul's Eyrie]
Cruachan are an amazing band, no doubt about it. They are (and are apparently reformed now?) amongst the best of the Irish metal scene. And while not necessarily coming up with an original, or at least unique Irish sound to their metal (rather, this is more traditional sounding), they were/are indeed fantastic. "Tuatha na Gael" ("the tribes of the Irish/Ireland" technically) is dedicated to the first and true masters of Europe! Tracks like "I am Tuan", "Brian Boru" (an instrumental apparently in honor of the Scandinavian smashing hero) and "To Moytura we Return" embody the melancholic pride of being Irish. Other more powerful and battle ready tracks like the post intro opener are filled with great folk influenced riffs. Brilliant artwork can be found here as well (why it never became a trend to use Mr. Fay for artwork ala Necrolord or Verwimp is beyond me, since he is original and vivid).
I've heard some Scandinavian's admit their increased enjoyment of Storm since the music they play is a metallic form of originally traditional songs. While these tracks aren't note for note traditional, I still love hearing the basis of powerful, proud Irish music turned metal.
I just wish they'd come back for a final, huge budgeted recording. It would be fucking grand! Irish folk/atmospheric/black metal continues nicely with the likes of Geasa, Carnun, and Arcane Sun, but Cruachan were the first and deserve ABSOLUTE respect for that...
UPDATE : Ok, right before this was going to be posted, I got an update of
sorts. The band did somewhat "break up" for a bit there. They were to be
signed to Century Media, but that fell apart (but still recognizing a trend,
the label picked up Waylander to fill up their "Celtic Metal" hole).
Cruachan are currently in the studio, preparing a new album for Hammerheart.
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