Black Rain
Bez Ohne
I've been trying to track this down for a long time now, since it's the Avenger (Czech.) black metal side project. The packaging is great first off, and is worth actual money, unlike the cunts out there charging six dollars for a photo-copied j-card and bulk purchased store tape (DIE!!).
And, like Avenger, this stuff rips in a metal sort of way. To tell you the truth, "Bez Ohne" isn't far off from Avenger in many ways, despite the fact that they use keyboards. The old-school death metal influence isn't exactly Black Rain's driving force either (unlike Avenger) so this stuff is more akin to the school of black metal. The vocals are especially good in a "Master's Hammer after stubbing his toe" style, nice and pissed off. Production is tight, riffs are brutal. Grand unholy metal! Five US should cover this I would assume.
Ramus Records
Petr Ramus Mecak
Prechovice 16
387 01 Volyne
Czech Republic
© 1999 brand