Requiem Aeternam
Eternally Dying

I was happy to get this (fifty minute) CD after seeing some flyers for it. It's always a joy tracking down CDs from countries like Uruguay, especially with flyers that state "THE MELODIC BLACK METAL IS HERE". Everyone can find bands from Sweden on distro lists, but it's not every day you find a killer band from Uruguay. Actually, from Uruguay I can only come up with Sendanegra, Ossuary, and Profana.

While the production is weak, and I could have done without the clean vocals, Requiem Aeternam have something many bands don't have: the fire to perform metal. The music isn't far off from Dissection's "The Somberlain" to tell you the truth, although there's a few differences. The classical influence is still there (acoustic guitars, even violas, violins!!), but there's also a Norwegian one. And some brutal and quickly played speed-metal chords pop up in quite a few places. It works nicely for the music, adding a sense of melodic power.

Ripping solos also set up for blast beats, which rules in my opinion. The (non-clean) vocals are amongst the best in the scene as well. I'm serious here! They fucking SHRED in terms of how pissed off they sound! With a little work and a budget for a decent studio, I could see Requiem Aeternam producing a brilliant CD. This is rather close, and I must recommend it because of that, simply because I'm REALLY impressed.

The band released this CD by themselves, but didn't add a contact, and I can't find it (help?).

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