Alone Walkyng
[Wounded Love]
Arghhh Hades! Recipe for "Alone Walkyng": add one part Burzum, two parts "Blood Fire Death" to "Hammerheart" with grim vocals, and a ton of melancholy. The first release I ever heard from this band was their first CD, something I hated, and I managed to avoid the band since then. I've owned the demo CD for probably three or four years now (!) and haven't listened to it since I purchased it. Another fine mistake on my part...
If I'm not mistaken, this is the third form this demo has appeared in. The band originally released it, later followed by a MC release from Wounded Love, until they put it onto CD a year or so later. The recording is HEAVY, slow, and relies on guitar created atmosphere to do what it does. The classic title track for example fuses first LP Burzum with acoustic guitars, and some brooding Bathory feel. The vocals REIGN SUPREME when mixed together with those great (middle English?) lyrics and down moving guitars ("My life I hate..." GREAT line/riff combo).
The other two tracks are excellent as well, and I'm disappointed I never paid more attention to this band. I'll be rushing out to purchase "The Dawn of the Dying Sun" NOW (while listening to "Again Shall Be...").
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