Unholy Flames
Christian Denial
The bassist has quite possibly the largest afro I've ever had the displeasure to stare at. He looks like he magically walked out of the other members' television screen while they were watching a "Shaft" movie, and asked if they'd like to start a black metal band. Yet another reason why negroes should leave metal alone!
Unholy Flames play black metal of course. It's fast, and the vocalist screams. If you can manage to make it past the intro, you'll be awarded with yet another generic and lifeless recording of boring black metal. I find it hard to believe labels actually investing money in bands like this, while so many impressive groups are sitting around recording amazing music with zero budgets to audiences of a dozen or so locals.
Following the post-Sarcofago, and then post-Mystifier (their closest relation) sound, Unholy Flames attempt to modernize a somewhat traditional style. I hate the vocalist, I hate the riffs, the production makes me hit my head against the computer desk, and "Christian Denial" will find itself amongst unholy flames indeed. The giant bonfire I'm going to build in my backyard as soon as I have enough worthless black metal CDs to burn that is. Which should be another month or two.
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