Verwüstung – Invoke the Dark Age
Abigor is quite a well known black metal band, the first one most people
remember from Austria, besides Summoning. Yet, often they are called under-rated
and I could not disagree, since they are one of my all-time favorites.
”Verwüstung” is their first full-length album. Most, if not all, of the songs in
here appeared on their demos, so ”Orkblut” was their first piece of new material
since they got a record deal and the old vocalist Rune/Tharen was replaced with
Silenius of Summoning.
There is something definitive and far-reaching about this album. It is as an
overview of what happened in black metal before the release of this album, from
the violence of MayheM to the emotion of Burzum and the grandeur of Emperor.
This is not yet as technical as later Abigor material and has lots of the spirit
that everyone serious about black metal philosophy knows and associates with the
releases of the first half of this decade.
There is quite a lot of epic melody appearing in these compositions, alongside
blasting, screaming and all-around darkness. The painful emotion of Burzum is
right there in tracks like ”Weeping Midwintertears”, accomplished by the evil
and powerful vocal performance by Silenius, and the tight execution of the
musicians. Old melodic death metal like At the Gates and Sentenced have their
part as musical influence here, possibly recognizable even before looking at the
lyrics of their later albums which contain unbelievably many rip-offs from those
two mentioned.
The old vocalist Rune appears here with two keyboard tracks, simple
semi-symphonic nocturnal tunes.
So, this is an album about fire, demons, war, magic, forest, life and death. It
did not break new ground but it brought together into one vision many needlessly
separated currents. Pure it is, and ”sophisticated” in the way the word should
be used.
© 1999 black hate