Minas Morgul
The Wilderness Shrouded in Winds
[Pagan Folk Prod.]
This band is a side project by Aro from Polish pagan-folk group Perunwit,
associated with the NS/BM scene of Graveland/Temple of Fullmoon. What sets the
Polish scene apart from other neo-black metal, is that theirs is the spirit of
the woods, of wolves, of winter and wildlife… as it was with the original Norway
Regarding instrumentation, this would most likely be called experimental folk.
Raw vocals rasp with Graveland-esque hate behind wandering, spontaneous,
improvised-sounding electric guitar tunes composed obviously of pure inspiration
and feeling, with no attention paid to musical technique, neither modern nor
ancient. There are some primitive drums used; the beats are not constant, but
enter and fade at points to accentuate the mood of what is being performed with
the other instruments.
All of this is kept very tightly in control and is ATMOSPHERIC in the purest
sense of the word. Actually, this demo is black metal, if you get my meaning.
This isn’t a very easy demo to get into, and it isn’t perfect either. First it
probably will sound a confused, un-musical piece of escapism mixed up with anger
and later, when you get into it, it will sound too short. It’s definitely too
short, especially in comparison to the epic Perunwit cassette albums, which hold
a classic position to me as ”unplugged Graveland”, a distillation of the primal
sensuality of black metal into powerful, simple and un-socialized neo-folk.
Minas Morgul is natural music. This is what the world needs and what the society
© 1999 black hate