Volume One
Sleep come from the same league as bands like Earth, Grief, 13 and
Eyehategod, which means that they specialize in Black Sabbath-tinged,
low-key, depressing sludge. If you are a sludge fan, you are probably
familiar with this band. If not, "Volume One" is a more restrained and
subtle version of Eyehategod. In comparison to this band, Sleep is more
controlled and calm, opting towards slow, lethargic heaviness and quieter
passages, rather than chaotic bashing. As a result, the music comes off as a
bit monotonous and dragging. There is even a song called "The Wall of Yawn,"
but it doesn't mean that this is a bad record. All it takes is some patience.
Sludge fans will surely enjoy it, and so do I.
© 1999 boris