The Fallen
The Fallen
The debut demo from this U.S. four piece black metal band. The Fallen
play sometimes melodic black metal, similar, dare I say, to Dimmu Borgir
if you tuned the symphonic factor about 75% and took out the keyboards.
Consisting of four songs, each one displaying some fine melodic
instrumentals and a short change from Black to death metal vocals from
time to time. -Left To Die- best displays this differing vocal approach,
using the black metal vocals to display the main point of the music,
while using the death metal vocals to display both sorrowful and more
harsh and extreme parts. -To The Sky- is faster, more continuous and
'catchy' although the main instrumentals 'borrow' slightly from -The
Night Masquerade- (Dimmu Borgir), it is so infectious I don't mind at
all, in fact, what they do use they use better I think. -Firstborn Of
The Dead- takes on a more slower melodic guitar approach and uses more
of the death metal vocals then the two previous tracks, although the
chorus is well done and it also contains some other notable musical
numbers despite being a mid-paced speed song. -Kingdom Of Shadows- ends
the demo on a faster note, showing more rage and animosity then other
the other songs but with lesser effect overall, still, a good way to end
their first official demo.
The demo itself it done professionally, the music is not underproduced,
the production is some of the best I have heard for a demo, real studio
quality stuff here. The music is also well played fitting the
production. The packaging does not include lyrics, but is professionally
done (color cover, background images, the works) despite being only a
two page foldout.
For listeners who enjoy more melodic black metal, The Fallen are a
perfect choice, although the music is not weak due to this, so those who
prefer more raw sounding black metal may also want to check them out
(also, they only charge for postage, $1)
Personal Favorite(s): Left To Die; To The Sky; Firstborn Of The Dead
The Fallen
P.O. Box 1214
Des Plaines, IL.
© 1999 alasdor