Bloodshed Divine
Black/death metal from the States in the form of Bloodshed Divine.
Mixing a brutal, primitive sound (i.e. Darkthrone), accompanying it with
well-done death metal vocals, with a equal mixing of excellent
musicianship, all performed by the same individual no less, Bloodshed
Divine stay away from the 'just another black/death band' trap, his
sound isn't the most original, but contains a feeling long lost and thus
the sound shines (darkens?) forth with a power to make it stand out, all
this from a first demo.
The demo starts off with -Echos Of The Abyss-, an ill-fated intro
consisting of numerous repeated black/death vocal chants (*note* the
word 'chants' makes it sound more interesting then it really is) that
serves as a exercise for the fast forward button into the first song,
-...Summoned-, perfectly displaying the elements I listed in the above
paragraph, alone making this demo CD worthy. -Inverted Nazarene- has a
more (accepted) black metal vokill approach, while the death metal
vocals are done deeper, to a lesser effect.. but alternate with the
other vocals and music seamlessly. -Bloodshed Divine (War In Heaven)-
starts off with heavy riffing and bass heavy drums, the deeper death
growls are present once again, and remain for the most part of the song
showing that Bloodshed Divine would make a fine death metal band.. but
lets' hope that never happens anyway..
-...Summoned- is a must, professionally done without losing any spirit
in the music.
Personal Favorite(s): ...Summoned; Inverted Nazarene
© 1999 alasdor