Total Destruction

If bands were judged on the basis of their album covers, Unsane would rank on the very top (or very bottom) with their photographs of car accident victims, blood-covered bathrooms and other similar "masterpieces" that grace all of their albums. The "Total Destruction's" front cover of a blood-soaked automobile seems to be the favorite among the band's fans. We all know, however, that bands are judged, first and foremost, for their music. Luckily, Unsane also deliver the goods in that department. There is no formal definition for their music, but it is certainly ugly, dirty and rancorous in the best possible way. Although, elements of hardcore and metal could be pinpointed, "Total Destruction" is basically crash-smash-and-burn noise rock, quite dirty and distorted, which, nevertheless, delivers some beautifully dissonant harmonies and chord progressions, and eccentric rhythmic configurations executed with a minimal line-up of guitar-bass-drums. Galloping drums dance around the pulsating bass and screaming guitar and hit you in the face like a car accident. This music is akin to being dragged (face down on the pavement) through the streets of New York (Unsane are from the New York City) and then being abandoned in a bad neighborhood, where you suddenly realize that you are in the midst of an urban nightmare and there is nowhere to run. Anyone up for the ride?

© 1999 boris