Bolt Thrower
The IVth Crusade
This is my favourite and in most minds, the best Bolt Thrower disc out
there. The pinnacle performance of their lives, man. We are talking very
heavy folks. They latched on to this menacing creeping grind on their
previous disc War Master and just went to it's natural progression. Their
music conjures of images of a warmachine decimating all in its path. Total
conquest by an unstoppable, unrelenting force. Their grind was actually
the first type of war metal. The crushing sound of the music is due the
totally over the top double bass drumming. The speed of the riffage also
varies for the right atmosphere but all this was topped off with the
mega-cool vocals of Karl Willetts. Other death metal vocalists should only
wish to be compared to the man cause his voice is all in terms of this
genre. Great stuff!!! A totally hurtful CD of pure punishment, get it and
prepare for the beating.
© 1999 malphas