Repulsion are one of those legendary bands that get a hell of a
lot of credit for formulating what would eventually become
grindcore - and rightly so. Originally formed in Michigan (NOT
Britain as the Death/Grind list would have you believe) under the
name Genocide, Repulsion have been one of the more influential
bands to pop out of the "deathcore" scene of the early eighties -
they've been sited by Napalm Death (among countless others) as
their single biggest influence, they've been covered by Entombed,
and members of Genocide/Repulsion have even played with good old
Evil Chuck in Death's formative years...not a bad lineage for a
band that lasted about as long as a burrito in the hands of an
starving ethiopian...
So what's it like musically ? Well, lets see...I think the best
way to comprehend what Repulsion is all about is with the
following exercise :
1) grab yourself a copy of Napalm Death's "Scum" album (side one
only, preferably on vinyl).
2) get yourself one of those hand held dictaphone walkman devices
that seem to make everything sound like it was recorded in a
toilet bowl.
3) start playing the Napalm Death album (if you've got one of those
turntables where you can "fine tune" the speed, take it down by
about 14% or so) and record it on the dictaphone, making sure to
pause the recording anytime Napalm break into any of those slow
Celtic Frostish riffs - at the same time, sing along in a
mid-range gruff spoken style (this last part is optional, but
adds greatly to the effect).
Done ? Ok - now play it back...that's Repulsion. Of course, this
is a bit of a overly simplistic characterization, but it's pretty
accurate. Repulsion were a one trick pony who didn't do much
other than play at (what was then considered) an ungodly speed
with a reckless disregard for melody and any other musical
trappings which often get in the way of a good solid romp in the
graveyard of noise. Sure, they were one dimensional, but hey -
they were GOOD at it, and I'd rather listen to a band that excels
at doing one thing over and over again rather than a band that
tries to take on more than it can chew and does so in a half assed
fashion. A recommended album, if for no other reason than to give
yourself a solid foundation of what exactly was going on during
the early eighties in the underground. Fans of (early) Napalm
Death and Blasphemy especially should try to seek this out, but I
hear it's out of print and may be somewhat difficult to find...
Unsubstantiated Rumour/Possibly Useless Information section: I was
discussing this album with Mlotek (fellow old schooler and general
bastard) when he reminded me of something which does seem to
"click" with me - According to him, "Horrified" is nothing more
than the old Genocide demo put on CD. It's been a good 14 or 15
years since I last had the Genocide tape, so I can't confirm this
100%, but listening to the album, it does remind me of it (of
course, this could also be because they're doing the same songs).
Just thought I'd pass that info along for what it's worth...
© 1999 chorazaim