Hell Awaits
[Metal Blade]
One seriously heavy album, and were it not for "Reign in Blood",
this would be the best of Slayers output along with the "Haunting
The Chapel" EP. It was on this release that Slayer took a drastic
turn away from their heavy metal roots and started along their
(short lived) path to immortality. Beginning with the ominously
evil sounding title track "Hell Awaits" (the very sound of hell
itself plodding within your cranium as if it were some sort of
infernal carnival ground), you could tell Slayer had stumbled upon
something magic on this album...brutally heavy in the way that only
good quality metal can be (fuck all that Cannibal Corpse crap -
this is where it's at). "Kill Again" then starts up with some
nice syncopated double bass drum play (something Lombardo would
become world renown for) on the intro before cranking into it's
secondary intro (Dissection fans take note - this is where the
inspiration for "The Somberlain" album (along with Iron Maiden) came
from) and finally the main body of the song - the chorus of the
song doesn't really stand very well against the test of time, but
the guitar work is still fresh and remains un-compromised. "At Dawn
They Sleep" follows and is more in tune with the opening track in
it's aura of evil - mostly mid-paced with a morbid feel, the guitar
work really shines through, and Tom's vocals have a particularly
venomous ring to them, further adding to the mystique of this
track...I'm also a big fan of the plodding section that kicks in
at about the 2:54 mark - it's one EVIL fucking mother of a riff
(with some blasphemous lyrics to boot - always a good thing). The
fourth track, "Praise Of Death" prances about in thrash territory,
and as far as this sort of thing goes, is quite excellent...the
chorus has a catchiness to it, and if this song was sped up a bit
it wouldn't have been out of place on "Reign In Blood" - my
favorite bit of the song of course is at the 2:54 mark, where once
again they take down the tempo and produce something quite evil
sounding (seems like I have a predisposition to this sort of
thing). "Necrophiliac" continues along the same lines, and while
I like the lyrics (being the sick fucker that I am), the song
itself does little for me (with the exception of the guitar work
which comes in at 1:15 and the vocal/guitar interplay during the
final verse of the song) - this isn't to say it's a bad track, but
compared to the rest of this album, it's lacking. "Crypts Of
Eternity" begins with a plodding pace (YES!!!) and then quickly
mutates into a particularly heavy "heavy metal" song - this is
the closest they get to reproducing the style they had on their
first two releases. It's a great track, but I feel it sounds
somewhat out of place because of it's "melodic" touches. Finally,
closing up the album we get "Hardening Of The Arteries", another
heads down thrasher which doesn't really do much for me...that is,
until 2:08 into the song, at which point it becomes (much like "At
Dawn They Sleep") so EVIL and ominous that it defies description -
a great way to end the album up.
Final analysis - essential listening. You should be mocking
yourself if you don't already own this, 'coz I can assure you the
rest of the us would...
© 1999 chorazaim