At War With Satan

If you don't have this CD in your collection, get the fuck outta here. This review won't even come close in terms of describing how awesome this album was and still is. Hated by everyone at all the mags except the true hardcore dudes out there in the scene (funny how nowadays all that was crap back then is now considered cool and those who slagged are jumping on the bandwagons i.e Tom Gay(briel) Warrior totally tried to distance himself from his own band Hellhammer- now he realizes it's genius and is attempting to cash in being the Jew bastard he is. Fuck off Cherry Orchard bastard!!!). Sorry 'bout that, back to the review.

Never before at least to me did I ever hear a track like Venom's 'At War With Satan'.It contained so many good riffs that thrashed and out heavied everything else and for over a duration of 19 minutes. This was Venom's 'Triumph Of Death' (if you are unfamiliar with this song, like I said earlier, get the fuck outta here!!!). On the vinyl that one song took up an entire side. The second side was just as good!! The slaughter of the eardrums continued with 'Rip Ride'. It is one of the best songs Venom ever wrote. Fast with great solos by Mantas. 'Cry Wolf' ia another great song with it's creepy intro, bass heavy rhthym and teeth gnashing bestial ferocity. One listen and you also shall atest to Venom's genius. 'Stand Up And Be Counted' is a call out to Venom's Legions and is also quite excellent. Like Cronos says, they were the black metal gods!!! V... E... N... O... Fucking M!!!!

© 1999 malphas