Clandestine Blaze
Night of the Unholy Flames
[Northern Heritage]

I remember being quite impressed with Clandestine Blaze's first album, "Fire Burns in our Hearts", as an example of well-done Darkthrone-derived black metal. "Night of the Unholy Flames", their second full-length, is more of the same. The sound is a bit clearer, with a more defined guitar sound and the vocals a bit more up front. The opener "Chambers" is a violent, fast ripping number. "Cross of Black Steel" changes things up with a slow and plodding feel. Following that is the title track with a great melancholy, fast riff - very reminiscent of Darkthrone. The album loses a bit of steam towards the end, but overall it's the best of Darkthrone circa Transilvanian Hunger done in a very black style - they capture that FEELING as well as the musical stylings. If you want classic Darkthroneish black metal and have already played "Under a Funeral Moon, "Transilvanian Hunger", and "Panzerfaust" to death, this is the album you want.

© 2001 lord vic