Arkhon Infaustus
In Sperma Infernum
Best CD I've heard in a while. It's good to know that there are still bands
out there that play a violent raw brand of black metal (the way it was
meant to be played!!!) and are not in it for monetary gains. This is the
second worthwhile release on Mordgrimm and the second band coming from
France (Osculum Infame being the first). It is limited to 666 copies.
'Invocation Of The War God' is a noisy intro that ushers in the holocaust
of 'Machiavellian Knights'. An awesome track with great lyrics, fast paced
with a Darkthrone menacing air to it. There are traditional raspy black
metal style vocals with occasional deeper bestial growls. 'Excelsi Domini
Inferni" is an even better track with it's varied pace and serious assault
on the drum kit. The packaging is quite cool as it comes in a plastic
sleeve, has a semi nude female fingering her clitoris on the cover, member
photos and lyrics. Hails to Arkhon Infaustus for being such a great
perverse black metal band. Get this now!!!
4 songs - 20:08 m:s
© 1999 malphas