Sutcliffe Jugend
When Pornography Is No Longer Enough
[Death Factory]
First off, let me just state that this is in no way, shape or form
"black metal" (or metal period as a matter of fact), so if you're
seeking anything of the sort, you might want to hit the "back" button
on your browser right now and find something else more suitable...BUT,
if you're open minded towards other forms of harsh music, then read on,
as this could be one of the more extreme CDs you decide to pick up this
Sutcliffe Jugend reside in that gray space of sonic terrorism usually
dubbed "Power Electronics" - other prominent purveyors of this genre
also include Genocide Organ (one of my personal favorites), and of course,
the almighty and omnipresent Whitehouse (the greatest in the field if you
ask me)...there are dozens (if not hundreds) of other bands operating under
the PE banner, but I mention these two out of an affinity for their
particular output, and to give you a reference point as to what can be
Picture this if you will : low throbbing bass tones, pulsing and seething
with hate...high end screeches that could scrape the enamel off your teeth,
and the voice of a madman out to corrupt your very essence with nothing more
than words. That's Sutcliffe Jugend. I won't make any claims of this being
"music" in it's conventional form - to most of the human population out
there, this is noise and nothing else. Traditional elements such as "melody"
are thrown out the window, and "structure", while present, is not something
that is readily heard (no verse/chorus/verse patterns to follow here boys
and girls). I suppose that if I *had* to try to describe this release with
more than the above, I would liken this to say, perhaps, what you might hear
if you had a television tuned into a "static" channel while someone was
vacuuming the room next door where an outpatient from your local mental
facility is currently residing on day parole, free to scream out sexual
vulgarities to his hearts content. Not for the weak of heart (or mind)...
Packaging is minimalistic, but very classy- this could easily sit amongst
other more mundane fare and wouldn't call much attention to itself, unless
one was to flip the digipak over and notices titles such as "second victim :
with brutal force : my pleasure your pain" or "seventh victim : with a beauty
beyond compare : slow torture"...
Highly recommended for Power Electronic enthusiasts and those with a leaning
towards the more abrasive side of the sound spectrum...and also highly
recommended to those searching for something guaranteed to both annoy and
frighten the hell out of their nosey neighbors/roomates/etc etc. All others
might want to take a few slow steps back and head for the "easy listening"
section >:]
© 1999 chorazaim