The Winter Of Our Discontent
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then old Tom Warrior
must be basking in an egobath right about now...The Tribute To Celtic
Frost release on Dwell Records, Usurper's complete mimicking of the
traditional (pre "Into The Pandemonium" era) Frost sound, and now
Warhammer doing their best to reviving the glorious primitivism that
was Hellhammer. Yes sir, Tom must surely be feeling good about all
this (too bad he can't return the favour and give us a new project
worthy of the respect he commanded in the past)...
There have been a lot of bands that have shown influences from the
mighty Hellhammer (Countess and Carpathian Forest both come to mind),
but none have gone as far as Warhammer - even the cover is an overture
to the original artwork on the "Apocalyptic Raids" EP (not the abortion
they used for the re-release mind you)...so even before slapping on
the CD, I had a fairly good idea of what to expect...and I was NOT
Hellhammer worship - glorious unashamed unabashed complete and utter
Hellhammer worship. Not only have they managed to imitate the
Hellhammer style of song writing, they almost completely replicate the
actual sound/ambiance of the Apocalyptic Raids EP - the guitar tone,
the drum sound, everything - the only real discrepancy is that Volker
Frerich vocals are a little more developed than Warrior's - the actual
phrasing of words and whatnot are Hellhammer, but his voice veers a
little towards the 1st Frost EP (this is hardly a criticism, more of
an observation).
I won't bother to describe the Warhammer (aka Hellhammer) sound any
further - if you don't already know what Hellhammer sounded like, you
should be hanging your head in shame (and walking to your nearest
record shop to correct this situation immediately, lest the rest of us
taunt you as you so richly deserve). For those of us who love
Hellhammer, this is a complete must - this has everything, from the
primitive thrashers of the early demos, to the final depression soaked
EP release (there's even a "Triumph of Death" soundalike - "Devastation
of Silent Resistance"...and the opener "Beyond Forgiveness" bears more
than just a passing resemblance to "Crucifixion"). Warhammer : the
best of the clone bands yet...
© 1999 chorazaim