Aura Noir
Black Thrash Attack
Quite easily the coolest record I've ever heard. "Coolest"?
yeah...Coolest....hard to explain, but that word is pretty
apt in the case of this album.
For the uninitiated, Aura Noir is basically a black/thrash
project featuring members from Dodheimsgard, Ved Buens End,
and now Darkthrone, with each respective member going under
the pseudonyms,"Apollyon" (bass/drums), "Aggressor" (drums/bass),
and "Blasphemer" (guitars).
And by thrash, I'm not talking about every black metallers
thrash fauves, Destruction, Its more Slayer (thank the gods).
Actually, its more black metal, but the Slayer attitude shines
though loud and clear. The riffing, drumming, etc is much
more articulate (ala Slayer) than Destruction. Also, the
pigdog production on the bass guitar really makes its mark
during this album, it rumbles like a bloody thunderstorm.
Listen for the stolen "Angel of Death" riff two minutes into
"The One Who Smite"...argh! Killer...Its unashamed theft, for
sure, but its played with such attitude, such aggression, its
utterly endearing. Other standout tracks include "Eternally
Your Shadow" (with its ultra-heavy opening, and a wonderful
chickensquawk riff that wanders all over your stereo), the
magnificent "Destructor" which is possibly the best thrash song
I've ever heard. Maybe not the fastest or the heaviest, but
the attitude is there, for sure. It even has a one-line chorus,
like all good thrash songs should have..."Mercilessss De-Structaaarrrrr,
Mercilessss De-Structaaarrrrr...", and so on.
As I so eloquently read in a print-zine not long ago, "If you want
to listen to Sodom or Kreator, LISTEN TO BLOODY SODOM AND KREATOR!".
But, if black metal is your game, but you want something you can
bang your head to, seek this CD out, it really is quite awesome.
Aura Noir have recaptured that late-80's thrash vibe, without
cloning that era's big bands, and that's something I feel they
should be commended for. One seriously satisfied listener.
RATING: 9/10
© 1998 brett