Satanic Rites
This CD is essentially a bootleg pressing of (as far as I can tell,)
the "Triumph Of Death" & "Satanic Rites" demos, both recorded
around the 1983 mark, before the infamous "Apocalyptic Raids"EP
was released, shortly after which, Hellhammer mutated into Celtic Frost.
Having heard the aforementioned EP a million times before, I wasn't expecting
anything TOO special, but I was pleasantly surprised. Whereas "Apocalyptic Raids"
sounded clumsy in certain parts, this stuff doesn't. No fancy intros, no
experimentation, just plain skullbuggering-METAL! To me, this sounded much
more akin to the early Celtic Frost records than "A.R" did, and to those who
haven't heard either band, believe me, that is a beautiful thing.
A latter day pointer to this sound would be slower stuff on
Darkthrone's "Panzerfaust", or bands like Order From Chaos. Frenetic
drumming, ugly, fission-inducing power chords, and Satanic Slaughter
(later known as Tom G. Warrior)'s famed death grunts.
The sparse liner notes on the back of the CD don't offer all that much insight,
no contact/ordering details (well, it IS a bootleg), no lyrics, just a
disclaimer that says "This record is for Hellhammer maniacs only. If you are not, don't try
to get one." Count me in.
I came across this one by chance folks, as is the case with most bootlegs, but
I urge you, If you see it, buy it. This stuff is just as influential as any of
your BATHORY LP's. Positive proof that Venom were black metal in name only.
© 1998 brett