Promo '98
[Satanachia / Hades]
This is Glaurung Dragonvomit's (Firstborn Evil) tolkien-themed, drum machine employing, rawer-than-his-main-band black metal project. Except for some of the annoyingly-too-precise, speedy machine drums, its actually a fairly engaging listen. The first couple songs are speedy and, except for a couple of goofy spoken word parts, quite vicious. As anyone who is familiar with Firstborn Evil's more commercial aspects would expect, smidgens of these traits seep into Nargothrond, but on average the songs are not something that your average Cradle of Filth fan would dig. There's actually some barbarity to this effort and hopefully they'll continue in that vein. The best part is when Mr. Dragonvomit really gets into the part of a Uruk-Hai and his "lyrics" get rather silly (interestingly enough, this occurs in the song titled "Uruk-Hai" .. go figure).
© 2001 j. mcintyre