With Hate I Burn
With Hate I Burn
Young Mr. Narqath is one busy little monkey (Azaghal, Wyrd, Valar, etc.).
Anyway, this is Narqath's industro-black metal project. It mixes the
mechano-black metal majesty of the likes of Mysticum (are there likes?), the
spacey experimentalism of Thorns, and some vocal influence from Ulver. On
paper, such a mix might not look like such a terrible thing. Unfortunately,
bits of disco (I think the kids call it "techno" these days) drum beats are
added resulting in fatal consequences (runtime error - do you wish to
reload?). There's nothing I like better than spiking Christians to 2x4s ...
then shakin' my bootay!!! Potential can be heard, but the disco must go.
© 2001 j. mcintyre