Shub Niggurath
The Kinglike Celebration
(Final Aeon on Earth)
[OZ Productions ]
Look at those excellent Hellhammer and Obscurity shirts these bastards
are wearing! Somebody mentioned to me that one of the guys in the band
bootlegs shirts like that. If you saw them walking down the street,
you'd know an old school death metal cretin was about to rob and smash
your head in under his massive boot! With band photos like these, the
music must be honest metal, no?
Well of course it is. Shub Niggurath are a great band in every possible
way. Hailing from Mexico, they probably don't get anywhere near as much
respect as they deserve, and label support is another thing. Rest
assured though, they play powerful old school black/death that makes
these ears no less than happy.
The older material from this lot was more of an old school death/thrash
hybrid, mixed with what seemed to be an early Morbid Angel atmosphere. I
like this disc more than the first one though. Things have changed a
little of course, and combined with a good production, the band have
become a violent force, and naturally one that should be listened to.
There's still a little Morbid Angel influence, tons of old school death
metal, but this time around there's also a small amount of black metal
melody structure added. Wailing solos fly all over the place, huge and
thick rhythm sections destroy your speakers, and satanic vocals not too
far off from Hellhammer piss on your eardrums. The music is incredibly
powerful, and will make you want to bang your head like a drunken
Yes, this is metal in honor of death, and the band should be
congratulated for that. In a day and age when the metal scene appears to
have drowned in it's own facial powder, female vocals, and unbelievably
pathetic gothic sub-genres, bands like this strike back. No, we won't
see these guys selling a million records anytime soon, but your support
will hopefully produce more and more bands that play in a proud fashion
such as this. Long live true DEATH metal!
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