[Nuclear Blast]

I can't recall the last time I've been this annoyed with a new CD. People are probably going to get a bit pissed about this review, but fuck 'em... here we go.

GORGOROTH FUCKING BLOWS SYPHILITIC PALSY-RIDDEN RETARDED GOATS. There, I said it. I had respect for their first release, "Pentagram," for what it was- a good piece of evil, extreme Norwegian black metal. Granted, it was nothing original by any stretch of the imagination, but the music was dark and emotional, and the insane vocals really made it a noteworthy album. The next release, "Antichrist," was much more bland yet still had some decent points. I missed "Under the Sign of Hell," but the second I saw a copy of "Destroyer" sitting in the store, I had to pick it up. Now I wish I hadn't.

Imagine this conversation:

(Infernus to one of the 4 million tards featured on the record)

"Hey, since we now have a great contract with Nuclear Blast, let's go masturbate in the studio for about 40 minutes and put it out as an album! It'll sell anyway because we have legions of stupid fans that think we're a cult band, and Nuclear Blast promised to make us bigger than Dimmu Borgir!"

(one of the other palsy-ridden stumpfucks)

"Hell yeah! That sounds great, because we can sit around and make money off of minimal effort like the fat, lazy jews we are!"

And there you go... the whole album consists of a bunch of half-assed songs that sound like the band just didn't want to take the trouble to write anything even remotely memorable. It isn't dark and it isn't evil; in fact, it's just shit. Take the title track and also the track "Blodoffer," for example- both tracks are idiotic pieces of unabashed wanking that don't even deserve to be on an album. Top that off with a few barely mediocre standard black metal songs and a beyond pathetic cover of Darkthrone's "Slottet I Det Fjerne," and you have "Destroyer."

I really can't see why this band has the cult status that they do, especially with this blistering turd of an album on their hands. Gorgoroth has simply stopped putting forth any effort and has released a half-baked collection of random shit in order to make money, and in the process has turned into yet another worthless boil on the ass of Norway. If this review seems overly harsh and lacking in constructive criticism, it's because I'm extremely annoyed with once-decent bands turning into garbage whenever money enters the picture. Fuck this disc.

© 1998 baalberith